Knowing Too Much Grace to Be Graceless
Does this mean unforgiving people lose their salvation? No.
Rather, a black, stony unforgiving heart is evidence of a heart that has never truly experienced God’s forgiveness.
If my mortgage company calls me up tomorrow and tells me my mortgage is canceled, and then my college calls and tells me my student loans are remitted, and I really believe this good news-know it, taste it, experience it—will I berate my friend after supper when he sticks me with the bill? Not a chance. I’ve known too much grace to be so graceless (see Matt. 18:23–35).
You and I deserved hell. We were hopeless, helpless, and heavenless.
But now we have life, redemption, forgiveness, and glory. If our lives are still marked by bitterness, grudges, and thoughts of retribution, we just don’t get it.
You haven’t understood forgiveness until you’ve given it away.”
Adapted Excerpt From: Kevin L. DeYoung & Jerry Bridges. “The Good News We Almost Forgot.”
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